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Showing posts from March, 2018

Seamless join when crochet in the round (replaces the final slip-stitch)

  The seamless join can be among the tidiest ways to join a round. This example shows how to use this type of join in place of a slip-stitch join. 1.      Complete the round and stop just when it is time for the slip-stitch (which we will omit here). Cut the yarn leaving a tail. Pull tail through the final stitch, then thread the tail onto a tapestry hook. Insert the hook from back to front stitch under both loops at the top of the first stitch of the round and pull the yarn through.                                         2.      Insert the hook from front to back into the top of the last stitch of the round, in the same spot where the tail came from. Pull yarn through.                3.      The joined stitch could be slightly loose. Adjust the tension to create a seamless line across the top of the stitches. I hope you enjoyed this hint! Please send me a message at should you have any issues or ques